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​Wireless Telephone, Materiality, and Making of the National Auditory in Turkey

This paper focuses on the radio’s novelty years in 1920s Turkey to examine how the functions of wireless technology as a material artifact are negotiated in ways that fashion a national auditory. Most studies on radio’s history prioritize sound, eliding people’s tinkering with the wireless as a technical object. Based on archival research and oral history interviews, I suggest that early radio as a material object required as much of its listeners’ attention as did the broadcast content. In young Turkey’s war-torn economy, the only affordable way to listen to radio was learning how to assemble a receiver. Few owners of manufactured radios also learnt how to fix frequent problems. To form a passive national auditory, the state monitored the cultivation of these technical skills by banning transmitter-construction while encouraging assembling/fixing receivers. In addition to the body’s visceral/affective capacities, then, nation-states also discipline technical skills while forming a national auditory.

Envisioning Domestic Labor on Instagram: Changing Parameters of Visibility under Neoliberal Digital Capitalism

Instagram post on the @blogcuanne account with permission of Elif DoÄŸan

#invisiblehousework (#görünmeyeneviÅŸleri) first started as an Instagram hashtag and continued with an account of its own under the same name. The hashtag was created by Elif DoÄŸan, or blogcuanne (mom blogger) with her Instagram and blogger handle. She has currently has around 111K followers and lives in Bodrum, a famous touristic town in Southwest Turkey. Elif first used this hashtag to accompany a picture of her hand holding a pile of towels and napkins, folded into tiny squares.

The caption underneath reads: “We have just completed the first stage of #nohelpyesdivisionoflabor (#yardımdeÄŸiliÅŸbölümü) so everyone living here is now capable of putting their clothes into their wardrobes. Now it is time to teach them how to take care of the stuff that does not belong to anyone specifically because it is a household item such as a tablecloth, kitchen napkin, etc.”

Conference Proceedings

Forthcoming Publication


Minor Revision with:
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

“Sensing” Productivity and Labor at Home: Women’s Smartwatch Use as Homemakers and Digital Laborers in Turkey


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no: 101003389.


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